Ursula's good read this week is The Daughterhood, a collection of short retrospective stories exploring the relationship between mother and daughter.

The book was inspired by the author's (Natasha Fennell) reflections into her own relationship with her mother following her mum's diagnonsis of Lupus and subsequent hospitalisation.

The Daughterhood

Natasha began to think deeply about their relationship, whether she had been a good daughter, whether she had shown enough appreciation for their relationship or just taken it for granted.  Her reflections navigated her through a labyrinth of emotions that is the complicated relationship between mother and daughter.

Natasha decided to collaborate with Irish Times columnist and journalist Róisín Ingle who regularly features her mother in her columns. Róisín appealed to her readers for contributions and the response was staggering. Pages and pages of emotive stories full of, as the Irish Times put it, guilt, resentment, worry, bitterness, regret, joy and sadness flooded in.

This book is an emotionally honest exploration into this precious relationship.  It encourages you to be proactive in recognising the value of this relationship before it's too late.

The book really resonated with Ursula so her gift to her mum this Mother's Day was ... The Daughterhood.

The Daughterhood is available in Maynooth Bookshop, your local bookshop.

If you have read this book please comment below and let us know your thoughts.