North Kildare Councillor Frank O Rourke met with Senior Management of Irish Rail again this week to press for additional services for the Hazelhatch Rail commuters.

'In recent months, I have put pressure on Irish Rail to improve the level of service for Hazelhatch rail commuters. In particular we need additional services leaving Dublin to service Hazelhatch between the time of 5.20pm and 5.55pm in the evening. This is a critical time for many Celbridge commuters who leave work in Dublin around 5.00pm. There is no excuse for such a gap to be left in the timetable, between the times of 5.20pm and 5.55pm.'

'Since getting elected to the Council, I have made continuous representations to have the rail service improved. We have made progress. This week, I again left the Senior Management of Irish Rail in no doubt about the necessity to fill this gap in service in the evenings. I am confident that the management will resolve the issue and that the 2016 timetable will be more suitable for the Hazelhatch rail commuters.'

'We need to continue to grow the numbers using the rail service. We will only do this by having a regular and reliable service. We also need a timetable that suit the many users of the service in the evening between 5pm and 6.00pm'