I was delighted that, following my representations, Kildare County Council have recently set up a formal process of interacting with businesses in Kilcock town centre. This is providing a valuable forum for Businesses in Kilcock to ensure that their concerns are captured by the policy makers in Kildare County Council.
It is important that we have a vibrant town centre in Kilcock. We have seen where many town centres throughout the country have been depleted as Businesses have moved out of the town centres. Policy makers must consider what initiatives are required to keep Businesses in our town centres. Recently, the Director of Services responsible for Kilcock met with representatives of the Businesses to outline plans for Pay Parking in Kilcock. The Pay Parking By-Laws are currently being drafted and is hoped that they will go on display for public consultation in January\February 2016. The By-Laws going on display will propose a max. stay of 2 hours in the town. Currently, Kildare County Council wardens are carrying out surveys on Kilcock parking and placing leaflets with the 2 hour max. stay message. This is to increase the public awareness of the proposed policy. This will enable, and hopefully encourage, more people to shop in the town centre as the first 2 hours parking will be free of charge.
I know from my work with the Celbridge, Maynooth and Leixlip Businesses that once we set up proper channels of communication with Kildare County Council, it is possible to facilitate a vibrant town centre. When Businesses approached me recently in relation to their concerns, I was delighted to have facilitated and attended a meeting between the Businesses and the Director of Services. This should have happened before now, but better late than never, and I am determined to ensure that we have regular interaction in the future and that we develop a vibrant Town Centre in Kilcock.
I have also requested Kildare County Council to look at providing park and ride facilities for Kilcock to facilitate all those that require all day parking. I have made representations to have this delivered for Kilcock as soon as is practical. A proper park and ride facility is needed for Kilcock. It would serve a dual purpose of freeing up valuable car parking spaces in Kilcock town centre and a much needed home for public transport users.
about 9 years ago